My nieces are the joy of our lives. Since we've never had children of our own, it is such a treat to see the world from their eyes.
When Piper was 3 years old, she walked up to Famer Boy and said, "Tio Bruce, I have Jesus in my heart." Bruce always gravely addresses children as though he was discussing macro economics with Alan Greenspan, so he said, "Is that a fact? What is Jesus doing in there?" She thought briefly and very earnestly said, lifting her hands in the air, "He's vacuuming up all the bad stuff, Tio." This about sums up the Westminster Catechism, as far as I'm concerned.
Piper is thoughtful, very intelligent and thinks about things before she does them. I think she is going to be a risk management director for a major insurance company when she grows up.
Jaime, her sister, is her polar opposite. Jaime of the huge brown eyes, mischeivous ways...Jaime the outrageous who exited the rink from her sassy ice skating dance performance with the heart shaped Elton John sunglasses and the jeans jacket she chose over a little tutu number and said to my mother, "Gran they loved me!" I think she has already written her Academy Award speech.
Piper who keeps a confidence to her heart and Jaime? Well, as we say, "Telephone, telegraph...tell Jaime." You never know what Jaime will share in Show and Tell the week after you see her. Piper who never wants to get out of bed and Jaime who is smiling at you at 5 a.m. all ready to start the day.
They were here late this summer. We had quite the hilarious time at Water Country USA. Little kids are an excuse to act like a child yourself. They were amazed that Tia Annie wasn't afraid and wasn't screaming. We baked bread and I had planned to take them to the beach. They preferred to play in the sprinkler in the back yard, play in the corn and pick fresh vegetables in the garden.
Jesus said "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, for such is the kingdom of heaven." He was right.