I lived in Hawaii for over 8 years. Every day there was a privilege with tradewinds, plumeria trees, rainbows and the most beautiful people in spirt anywhere. The picture above is of a small island called "Chinaman's Hat."
I grew to love Hawaiian slack key, Hawaiian culture, Hawaiian haupia (coconut pudding) and the spirit of aloha that permeates everything there. I particularly love ancient Hawaiian hula. The values of Native Culture are Aloha, Ohana and the Aina; love, family, and the land.
One of the kings of Hawaiian music was Israel Kamakawiwo'ole . That's pronounced "Kah maka veeva oh lay." He was known as "Bruddah Iz." The following is a tribute to him and the most beautiful version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" ever.
I heard this beautiful song again when I watched "Jon and Kate + 8" recently. It was featured at their re-commitment ceremony.
This next part is just for Bruce...remember Honolulu City Lights and Hanalei Moon: