I have to say a word about the Travolta family. Have we reached such a point in our culture that we cannot let this grieving family mourn in peace?
We can blame the media for the intrusiveness into the lives of the famous. We could, but it wouldn’t be entirely accurate. If none of us were watching the news or buying the People magazines that discussed the intimate details about this mourning family, the media would cover something else. What does it say about us that we have such a morbid fascination with the intimate details of celebrities’ lives?
I guess some curiosity is normal, but I particularly object to physicians and forensic pathologists commenting about such incidents. Physicians take an oath to do no harm. How is it ethical for them to comment on a boy whom they have never even seen, never mind examined? How is it ethical for a forensic pathologist to comment on an autopsy for which he or she was not present? Of what benefit is it to anyone to speculate upon, make suggestions about, or hold parents culpable for the death of a young man whom they’ve never met or even seen in person?
God bless Kelly, John and little Ella as they mourn Jett. I pray that God will reveal Himself to them in truth and draw them into closer relationship with Him. May the God of all Comfort comfort and lead them. And may the rest of us keep them in prayer and leave them alone.
Let’s all think about what we can do to remove our support from this kind of intrusive, unkind, and unseemly prying into the tragedies of public figures.
We can blame the media for the intrusiveness into the lives of the famous. We could, but it wouldn’t be entirely accurate. If none of us were watching the news or buying the People magazines that discussed the intimate details about this mourning family, the media would cover something else. What does it say about us that we have such a morbid fascination with the intimate details of celebrities’ lives?
I guess some curiosity is normal, but I particularly object to physicians and forensic pathologists commenting about such incidents. Physicians take an oath to do no harm. How is it ethical for them to comment on a boy whom they have never even seen, never mind examined? How is it ethical for a forensic pathologist to comment on an autopsy for which he or she was not present? Of what benefit is it to anyone to speculate upon, make suggestions about, or hold parents culpable for the death of a young man whom they’ve never met or even seen in person?
God bless Kelly, John and little Ella as they mourn Jett. I pray that God will reveal Himself to them in truth and draw them into closer relationship with Him. May the God of all Comfort comfort and lead them. And may the rest of us keep them in prayer and leave them alone.
Let’s all think about what we can do to remove our support from this kind of intrusive, unkind, and unseemly prying into the tragedies of public figures.