Last week, we decided to go to the oceanfront at Va Beach and take a long walk on the boardwalk. Bruce and I were heartsick about the dogs and wanted to take our minds off it all. We have a favorite Greek restaurant there. All the way home in the car, I had in my mind's eye a vision of Louise on the front porch. I kept brushing it off, so as not to be disappointed. When we got home, she wasn't on the front porch, but was curled up on the back stoop. She was filthy, with grease spots, but was very happy to get back home.
The next day, she got out again and just ran from the back yard to the front yard. We put her back in the back yard and Bruce said to her, "LuLu, how are you getting out?" She took him to the spot immediately, so impossibly narrow that you couldn't believe that she could get out. He told her NO in no uncertain terms and she hasn't gone near it since.
We realized after LuLu came back that it was Thelma who was chewing things, knocking over the garbage, etc. There's been no chewing at all since LuLu has been back. We also noticed that she was sort of pushing Maxine around, would try to take her bones, etc. We don't know if Thelma is meant to come back. Huskies are wanderers. We're just keeping her in prayer. If she comes back, my neighbor directly behind us really wants her, so that may be a good fit. One of our huskies, Lupa, was at someone else's house for three weeks before she came back.