Anyway, I really love some of the fashion-y blogs out there. Now I am more than sure that I wouldn't wear many of the ensembles that Kasmira or Vanessa wear. Kasmira mixed plaids and animal prints which would just make me cross eyed if I saw it on myself in the mirror. But on her...WOW WOW WOW!
What I get from these wonderful women are ideas on how I can make my own wardrobe go farther. Because of reading their work, I have paired grey and yellow wihth terrific results. I never would have done that on my own. I wear red sling back high heels with my dressy jeans. I combine necklaces. All because of them. Maybe you'll enjoy these ladies, too. They all thrift a significant portion of their clothing.
The outrageous Kasmira, human resources girl, from Cincy and her husband, Beefy Muchacho, do the What I Wore Today Blog:
Vanessa the brave, from Big Girl, Small Budget, Tiny Town. Think you have to dress in black and stand in the corner if you are a larger woman? Think again.
Patti's Not Dead Yet blog. I love the name she chose! She runs a Monday feature with input from many readers modeling over-50 fashion which makes them look visible, rather than the invisible feeling that many women over 50 experience.
Paula is a vibrant artist who loves color, color, and more color in her wardrobe. I love her style!
Check these bloggy girls out! They are inspirational AND make frugal recommendations using thrift store options. What could be better than that!