You know that room in your house. C'mon, you know the one, the junk room. The room where you throw the books that you keep forgetting to take to the library sale and the clothes you meant to take to the attic when it got hot. The place where you shove stuff you don’t want to keep but can’t commit to throw away.
I had a room like that. My house started out as a
one family home. During World War II, it was made into two apartments, as many homes were in this military area. Another owner consolidated it into one house once again. The room I am describing is entered through pocket doors from the master bedroom. It was originally a nursery. It was a kitchen in the apartment era. An owner in the seventies turned it into a huge closet, with one wall of clothing rods top and bottom and built-in cedar lined bench storage units. Think very beige and lot of seventies track lighting. I loved the storage space, hated the room itself.
When I couldn’t stand it one minute longer, I removed the nasty wall to wall carpeting, painted the floor with high gloss enamel and turned it into a study/dressing area. I was stumped for a week on how to hide the clothes for cheap, cheap, cheap. Finally, I hung PVC piping from chrome chains anchored in the ceiling. The sheets are Mainstay twin sheets from Walmart, I just cut open the top hem and hung them. $4 per pair.
Almost everything else in the room I either had already, bought at Goodwill, or rescued from the curbside as follows:
Desk – my Papa made it for me
Dresser – Goodwill
Blue and red wicker storage bins – on sale Michaels
Globe – thrift store
Red Table – rescued from the curbside and painted.
Blue chair – belonged to my 3rd great grandfather who fought in the Civil War
Window seat stuff – Goodwill
Sailboat painting - Goodwill
Decorative items on open shelving - Goodwill
Decorative plates - Goodwill
Decorative items on open shelving - Goodwill
Decorative plates - Goodwill