I’ve been evaluating my spending and consumption habits for months now. Since I don’t work outside the home anymore, my job is managing the household. Society seems to take a dim view of the term “housewife,” but I realize that what I do at home (or don’t do) makes an enormous difference in our quality of life. My husband likes that I’m at home. I like that I’m at home, too.
Part of being the manager of my home is scouring the Internet and other sources to educate myself on all sorts of things, from how to make yogurt and cottage cheese at home to raising chickens in a suburban environment. Yes, I said raising chickens
On Monday I borrowed a book from the library which I’d originally intended to buy. “America’s Cheapest Family” by Steve and Annette Economides turned out to be a disappointment. I liked watching this couple on Fox News, but I was less than charmed with the book. Everything in it seemed hackneyed. I didn’t learn anything new. I’m so glad I didn’t spend $11.99 for the used book on Amazon.
One tip they provided was the tired old idea of buying the newspaper on Wednesday for grocery sales. You don’t have to buy the newspaper. I can view the sales circulars for my grocery stores; Kroger, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, and Farm Fresh on line. I read my newspaper daily, on line, free of charge. I save a lot of trees.
I’m glad that I went to the library, though, because right next to the book I wasn’t so crazy about, I found a gem “Living Well on One Income in a Two-Income World” by Cynthia Yates. Cynthia shares what she calls “New Principles for Smart Living” as follows:
Adjust your attitude.
Live within your income.
Organize your world.
Learn prices and become a savvy consumer.
Roll up your sleeves.
Use things up.
Do not waste.
Use your creative genius.
Presentation is everything.
In all things, honor God.
Although there are tips in the book, her basic premise is to educate yourself and re-think how things can be done more cheaply without sacrificing quality of life. I highly recommend this book.