Eclectic, quirky, and sometimes edgy…this is how things look from my front porch.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ahhhhhh, Fresh Eggs!
My neighbor Georgianne brought back some farm-fresh, free range, brown eggs for me from Gloucester, Virginia about an hour away. I made simple scrambled eggs with salt and paper with them. Oh the butter, golden goodness and an intense egginess that you don't get in store-bought eggs. I just had to put them in a plan white bowl on an old kitchen scale.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Lulu Came Back!
Last week, we decided to go to the oceanfront at Va Beach and take a long walk on the boardwalk. Bruce and I were heartsick about the dogs and wanted to take our minds off it all. We have a favorite Greek restaurant there. All the way home in the car, I had in my mind's eye a vision of Louise on the front porch. I kept brushing it off, so as not to be disappointed. When we got home, she wasn't on the front porch, but was curled up on the back stoop. She was filthy, with grease spots, but was very happy to get back home.
The next day, she got out again and just ran from the back yard to the front yard. We put her back in the back yard and Bruce said to her, "LuLu, how are you getting out?" She took him to the spot immediately, so impossibly narrow that you couldn't believe that she could get out. He told her NO in no uncertain terms and she hasn't gone near it since.
We realized after LuLu came back that it was Thelma who was chewing things, knocking over the garbage, etc. There's been no chewing at all since LuLu has been back. We also noticed that she was sort of pushing Maxine around, would try to take her bones, etc. We don't know if Thelma is meant to come back. Huskies are wanderers. We're just keeping her in prayer. If she comes back, my neighbor directly behind us really wants her, so that may be a good fit. One of our huskies, Lupa, was at someone else's house for three weeks before she came back.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My Life As George Jetson
I apologize for not posting sooner. There has been so much happening that I feel like George Jetson on the treadmill with Astro, sliding down the back and falling off.
I have been having terrible pain in my hands, so it has been difficult to post. Thank God that my doctor prescribed Mobic and I am feeling so much better.
Secondly, I graduated from college yesterday with a degree in Criminal Justice.
Thelma and Louise somehow got out of our backyard yesterday and are on the lam ojnce again. I pray that they stay safe and we are doing all we can to find them.
Some of you asked for an update on Kewon. He went to court on my birthday. His court appointed lawyer had said that nothing would happen on this court date other than a procedure to certify that there was enough evidence against him to move forward.
Several weeks before, we had gotten him a Polo by Ralph Lauren blue oxford-cloth shirt (brand new with the tags still on it from Goodwill)and he already had some nice pants. Kewon was so nervous that he forgot his tie. Bruce accompanied Kewon and his mom. Just before they entered court, Bruce took off his tie and put it on Kewon. Kewon doesn’t know how to put on a tie, so Bruce was putting the knot in it for him. An Afircan American woman passing by stopped and said, “I wish I had a lawyer like that.” Bruce replied, “I’m not his lawyer, this is my son.” We wanted him to make a good impression on the judge.
Suddenly, just before the trial time, his lawyer advised us that the district attorney was offering Kewon a deal. The very serious charges would be totally dropped and expunged from his record. This depended on Kewon pleading guilty to lesser charges. Without going into detail, he didn’t really do what the reduced charges involved.
He and Bruce called me. “Miss Annie, you said that I had to tell the truth. I want to get this over with, but I don’t want to lie about what I did.” I didn’t want him to either. I prayed about it and asked to talk to his lawyer. I asked her if he could enter an Alford Plea (no contest) which simply acknowledges that there is a lot of evidence against a person. Kewon would not need to lie. The district attorney agreed to accept this and so Kewon’s case was adjudicated.
Kewon originally had serious felony charges against him. We feel that God intervened. At first I was disappointed that he had to plead to anything at all. In retrospect I believe that this has provided him with a valuable lesson about using better judgment.
Thanks to all of you for your concern for Kewon.
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