Eclectic, quirky, and sometimes edgy…this is how things look from my front porch.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day

Pics taken during a recent drive to Richmond.

Our National Anthem - Second Verse
And thus be it ever
Where free men may stand
Between their loved homes
And the war's desolation
Blessed with victory and peace
May the heaven's-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made  
And preserved us a nation 
Then triumph we must
For our cause it is just
And this be our motto
In God is our trust
And the star spangled banner
In triumph will wave
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave


1 comment:

slugmama said...

As I grew up in the Tidewater area(South Norfolk, Norfolk and Virginia Beach)I always enjoy your posts on the area and it's history.

Just an FYI--Patrick Henry delivered his "Give me Liberty or give me death" speech first, 2 days before the well known one at St. John's in Richmond, at Charlotte Court House, VA(called Daltonsburgh VA during Mr. Henry's day).
I know this because my mother's family is from Charlotte and Campbell counties. My great grandmother lived a block away from the courthouse in the center of town and I spent many Summers there in my childhood. Mr. Henry was neighbors with some of my ancestors in his later years, so I have a special place in my heart for him. 8-)